At Bethany Christian Church, Ps William Coraizin has an amazing heart for family. God has really anointed him in this area, so keep an eye out for our next course, and be sure not to miss it. Young and old are welcome to attend the various courses offered throughout the year.
There are various efforts made within the church to address this very important aspect of our lives. Find more information below:

Marriage Preparation
This is both an outreach opportunity and an in-house service to the couples with marital aspirations. We have an in-house policy that its mandatory to do this 6 week course before marriage arrangements are made. We meet once a week in the evening and discuss various aspects of marriage for example: In-Laws, Romance, Finance, Legal Matters, Sex to mention a few. The pastor is not obligated to marry anyone who have not done this preparation course for this most holy covenant, after the one with God Himself. Outsiders are welcome to attend, provided they arrange with the office. There are cost implications for those who are not part of the local assembly.
Marriage Counselling
This we offer by making arrangements with the office to meet and discuss with the couple in confidentiality and in a private setting. Couples from outside the church are also accommodated. They are however, kindly reminded that the local churches’ needs are the pastoral leader’s main responsibility. Crisis and urgent needs within the church, may therefore result in changes to appointments made by outsiders. We are committed to help and support to the best of our ability.
Marriage Seminars
The ideal is to offer marriage seminars twice within a calendar year. In this way we stay in touch with the couples within the church. We encourage members to invite other married couples to attend and reap the benefit of such teachings. These teachings will endeavour to remind us of the necessities of a Bible based marriage and we might include weekend away for one of those seminars. Its important for married couples to hear, sea and experience other couples in such an environment. The meeting itself brings hope, inspiration, alignment and a better perspective of the things that really matters in marriage. This we’ll advertise on various social platforms and in so doing serve the communities God has blessed us with.