BethanyKIDS creates a fun and powerful children's church experience. Kids learn to experience God through weekly sharing of His Word by multimedia, fun practical activities and engaging worship. We strive to strengthen and secure each and every child in God's Love and His Truth. Our program runs all year, including school holidays, and the kids present two services each year - The Easter Play & The Christmas Play.

BethanyKIDS Care
We are very excited about our newest ministry: BethanyKIDS Care, a BethanyKIDS initiative where the kids are encouraged to initiate and run their own campaigns that will uplift the community/environment.
They are encouraged to not just be receivers of the Word, but to actively walk in Jesus' footsteps and have servant hearts. We strongly believe that there is no better way for them to learn and grow as God's children than to actively live His Word in a way that is best for kids - through play. The best part of it is that the adults are reminded of childlike faith and become a part of the kids' initiatives. The kids too are able to reach higher as they stand on the shoulders of the adults who then also buy into their initiatives. As small as they are, they are equipped and able to change the world in a big way.