Celebrating Mothers
Mother’s Day
I’m forever thankful for Anna Jarvis who started Mother’s Day on 12 May 1907. She did this to celebrate her Mom on a public forum and within a few years it became a national phenomenon in the United States and spread worldwide to where its celebrated in almost every country annually. We, like Anna have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to the foundations and sacrifices our parents and especially our Moms made for us. Even though Anna Jarvis was never a mother herself, she celebrated her Mom..
Ephesians 6: 1-3
This Scripture states: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour your father and your mother which is the first commandment with promise: that it might be well with you and you may live long on the earth. This is the only Scripture in the New Testament speaking directly to children. Its clear that God wants us to have meaningful and good lives to live on His earth, starting from a young age. The key is for children to obey their parents. Its plural, including the mother. We have a tendency in the West that the Father is the one to obey, but God requires that to be given to Moms too. He clarifies it by stating specifically how we need to honour our father and our mother. Neglecting to do so has devastating consequences. We can just look around in our society and immediate neighbourhood and the stories to be told is undeniably true to Scripture. Let us give honour to whom honour is due. Our Moms qualify from heavens perspective. Honour is verbal and should be public and must have substance. Here I’m referring to financial or material substance. It’s a way of saying thanks. This blesses parents and open God’s heaven over our lives.
Made for such a time as this
Our society and especially our young people all over the world it seems, have made a turn for bad and not for good. Moms look at it and many have been hard on themselves thinking they have not done enough. This is the same generation that God includes for His final move and outpouring. Read Joel 2:28 and be encouraged. These young ones are Gods secret weapons. He believes in our young people. He believes in your children. Like, Esther, they have been made for such a time as this. Social media tries very hard to distract them from what God has placed inside of them. The media and entertainment managed to occupy their attention so they cannot see that they are the instruments of Gods favour and Gods answer to a broken world, through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is time to look at your children differently, Moms. Is it possible that God meant what He said in Prov 22:6; ‘Train up a child in the way it should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it’? The secret is in training. Continuously, regularly, and consistently take them through the basics of life in Jesus. Remind them of the Word and remind them of their worth in God. Tell them they are loved and make them understand that Jesus came to save them and make them instruments of change in return. Encourage them to endure and let them know that you believe in them. Remind them of Gods multifold plans that He already has for each one. Good plans as described in Jer 29:11.
Be your husbands Lover not his Mother
Titus 2:3-4 reminds the mothers to love their husbands and train their children. It is amazing to see how many mothers turn that Scripture around believing they should love their children and train their husbands. No, you are your husband’s lover, not his mother. His Mom will stand and give account for the lack of foundations she has laid, not you. Lay foundations in your children’s lives and love your spouse into kingdom living. Husbands, have you noticed how woman follows Jesus in His ministry, to the cross, at the grave and beyond? The more you reveal Christlikeness the more these ladies will follow and pursue you. Christlikeness seems to be attractive to woman as He is the personification of a true man.
You are a Mother, not a Slave
Gentleman, its time to set your wife and the mother of your children free. You and your children must understand that your wife is first your lover, then their mother. The emphasis is on mother and not their maid. She is nobody’s slave. Abolish slavery in your house today. A Functional home means everyone has a function, a role and responsibility to fulfill. Moms, you are to blame if your children do not work. Many a parent have wrecked future marriages because they never taught their children the pleasure, reward, and sacredness of work. These same children then one day, places unreasonable expectations upon their future spouses. Let us all celebrate our mothers and our wives in this sacred role. If you want to be king in your home, then treat her like a queen.
How does your children remember you?
This is an important question to ask after many years of dedication to your family. How will they remember you, Mom? As one who prayed for them? That is good. One who cleaned and sacrificed for them? That is precious. In surveys it appears that it is the pleasant times of play and sing and holiday and celebrations that trumps in their recall of your sacred roll. Make time to play. Make time to have fun. Make time to listen. The concept of holiday comes from the root words, ’Holy Day’. Holidays are sacred. Be deliberate in your planning and have a holiday and so build precious memories.
Together in His Service.
William Coraizin
Pastor: Bethany Christian Church Durbanville, Cape Town South Africa